The Sacrament of Baptism by water is available to persons of all ages. We view baptism as a beginning, an initiation into the family of Christians throughout time. If you were baptized previously by water and in the name of the Trinity, then you don’t have to be baptized again. Adults and older children being baptized at St. Peter’s will do some preparation beforehand to be ready to take vows promising to follow Jesus. Parents and godparents of babies and younger children will do some preparation in order to take those vows on their child’s behalf.
Baptisms at St. Peter’s are normally celebrated at Sunday morning public worship in early January, on Easter Eve or Easter morning, later in the spring on the Feast of Pentecost, or the first Sunday in November (All Saints Sunday). Other Sunday morning dates might be possible (please ask). There is no fee for baptism, although many families or individuals give a thank offering.
If you desire baptism for yourself or your child, please speak with the priest after Sunday worship. You’ll be asked to fill out a Baptism Intake Form and to turn that into the church office. A sample baptism form can be found HERE.
The information about quinceañeras is currently under development. Please call the church for information: 773-525-0844